Request A Free Keychain Rapture Kit

Hi Folks, this is Roy McFaddin (the “Manager” of the “Keychain Rapture Kit” website). To request your FREE 32 GB “Keychain Rapture Kit” Flashdrive, please make that request by filling out the form below, and please include your physical mailing address and your real name! (some folks are forgetting to do that!) – Thank you!

Request Form

How did you hear about us?

10 + 7 =

A special “Thank YOU” to Brother Scott Townsend, creator of the original “Rapture Kit” 32 GB USB Flashdrive who has given me his encouragement and authorization to exactly duplicate his original “Rapture Kit” and then offer them freely to others just as long as these exact duplicates (which we have labeled “Keychain Rapture Kit” Flashdrives) are not “re-sold” in a purely monetary gainful agenda, etc. PLEASE go to Brother Scott’s website “” to see in detail all of the extremely important videos, sermons, complete Bibles, documents and special advice and notes that are on these Flashdrives (the “Rapture Kit” and “Keychain Rapture Kit” Flashdrives have exactly the same content).

This little “Flashdrive Duplication Ministry” is solely supported only by volunteer donations… “selling” of any kind. Only if the Lord is leading you to help us continue to freely give away these Flashdrives, you can do so by using Venmo (my link to use Venmo is “@roymcfaddin”) and Paypal (my link to use Paypal is “”).

God Bless you and yours and Come Lord Jesus!

YBIC (Your Brother In Christ)
Roy McFaddin

Christ Our King